Monday, June 24, 2013

Justice for Trayvon.

We're all pretty familiar with the Trayvon Martin murder that happened last year, right?  Well, now it is judgment time as 29-year-old George Zimmerman goes on trial for second-degree don't ask murder.Now, I don't think I'm going to do a day-by-day write up of this trial but I did spend most of the day watching this trial.  After spending almost thirty minutes trying to find a working link for the live stream of the trial, once it was found I was tuned in.  For a little of three hours, both the prosecution and defense attorneys began developing their cases trying to make sure one side was inevitably stronger than the other.  While the opening statements were a bit "out of the ordinary" one would use to describe such comments, profanity was used throughout the trial today at a more shocking rate that I had expected.

O'Mara, West & Zimmerman
Part of Zimmerman's defense circus team, Mark O'Mara -- who did most of the questioning for the defense today -- was hysterical.  His delivery in almost everything he tried to bring forth to the court was sloppy and had no profound meaning at all.  He [O'Mara] tried every tactic.  First, he tried to have Trayvon's parents thrown out of the courtroom because the I believe father of the deceased cursed out a man who was presumably there in support of George Zimmerman, and if that wasn't enough, he tried to dismiss [what I thought to be] creditable evidence that would in fact prosecute Zimmerman at an even faster pace than he is already heading AFTER it already been presented as evidence. The man was running out of things to do.  Even the judge, Debra Nelson, was like this man cannot be serious.  I secretly believe she is all for Trayvon by the way.

As four witnesses were called to the stand today: Chad Joseph (friend), Andrew Gaugh (cashier @ the 7-Eleven Martin was last seen), Sean Noffke (dispatcher who took Zimmerman's 911 call), & Ramona Rumph (Seminole County Sheriff's Office Records Custodian responsible for compiling all records/calls at that specific branch) -- the defense could not break either one of them. Video of the testimonies can be found here for your viewing pleasure. 

Trayvon's parents
The first witness, Chad Joseph, a fifteen year old student who is the son of the Trayvon's father girlfriend, was actually with him all day the day he was shot.  "Playing PS3" he told the prosecutor, is what they did all day.  After being sworn in, the teenager asked if he was supposed to repeat it and I just knew this was going to be a bad idea, but it turned out to work out just fine.  It was clear that the alleged murdered knew what he
was doing.  As the 911 call was being played for the courtroom, you hear the 911 dispatcher, Noffke, clearly ask him "are you following him [Martin]?"  George replies "yes" and Noffke quickly replies with "we don't need you to do that."  Now I am not here to point fingers, but this doesn't look like a good self defense plea at all.

Testifying was brought to a halt during Ramona Rumph's testimony and the jury was asked to have a good day.  As the courtroom was being dismissed, Judge Nelson asked the prosecution for some documentation that needed to be given to the court's clerk for evidence and he didn't have it.  I was taken.  Please don't mess this up mister, I said as he pleaded with the judge to give him a little more time.  She saw his plea and gave him until tomorrow morning to have everything in order.  Whew!  All-in-all this wasn't a good day for the defense, if I must say so myself.  We will continue to see where this goes though.  I am sure we will all be tuned in.

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